05 Nov A CBD oil and Supplement kiosk opens up in Eden Shopping Centre High Wycombe.
A new standalone kiosk dedicated exclusively to selling cannabis oil and premium cannabidiol (CBD) products is now open in Eden shopping centre in Newland Street.
The Hempstro Kiosk will be a one-stop-shop for a wide variety of high-quality cannabis-based products. Customers can access knowledgeable and friendly advice about CBD and sample the products to make an informed choice.
Hempstro CBD products include various strengths of sublingual CBD oil drops, CBD tinctures, capsules, edibles, Hemp teas, balms, CBD Vape devices and CBD e-liquids.
Bapander said: “As soon as people hear what it is we are selling, there is already a stigma. Our main priority is to educate and talk to people and explain that CBD products are supplements which support our Endocannabinoid System. “
He added: “Over the last year, we’ve noticed people perception changes towards cannabis as a whole. People are more aware that CBD comes from Hemp and doesn’t cause the high which you would get from Marijuana which contains high level of THC and is illegal”.
All Hempstro products are zero THC and have been tested by an independent third-party lab.
You may have come across articles about CBD, and the chances are that no two describe it in exactly the same way. Is it a cannabinoid? Is it a cannabidiol? In fact, both are true. So, if you’re confused, we can explain it in simple terms.
CBD is a compound derived from the cannabis plant. Cannabis is the origin of more than a hundred compounds, which were consequently named Cannabinoids. The cannabinoid that has caught the most attention of many is Cannabidiol or CBD for short. It’s since been discovered that cannabinoids occur naturally in many other biological systems — including in our own bodies.
Cannabis? Isn’t that an illegal drug? Actually, that only refers to some uses of some varieties of cannabis. Cannabis is actually a family of plants, roughly divided into Cannabis sativa (the tall narrow leaves varieties) and Cannabis indica (the bushy broad varieties), although each comprises many different types.
For practical, rather than scientific, use, cannabis plants can be divided into:
Hemp –grown for industrial uses, as a source for products such as biofuel, rope, fabric, canvas, paper, oil, food and CBD
Marijuana –grown for producing a recreational drug that contains high levels of THC.
One of the things that distinguish hemp and marijuana is which of two cannabinoids predominates. Marijuana has high quantities of THC, which is the main active ingredient in the drug. Hemp, on the other hand, contains only traces of THC at most, but abundant CBD.
Research has clearly shown that CBD has no psychoactive qualities and won’t get you high. CBD products are made from hemp varieties of cannabis and don’t contain THC.
The Hempstro CBD Kiosk will be trading from 5/11/19 till 24/12/19 at Newland Street, Eden Shopping Centre, High Wycombe, HP11 2DQ.

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